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7Nutrition – Citrulline malate

7Nutrition - Citrulline malate Sport Freak

Citrulline is a creatine precursor converted to glycocyamine and arginine. Participates in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) by stimulating its production.

The most important benefits of citrulline malate supplementation (Citrulline Malate):
– dilatation of blood vessels
– increased oxygen inflow to the muscles
– increasing the influx of nutrients, including creatine, into muscle fibers
– strong anti-catabolic effect
– faster post-workout regeneration
– faster removal of lactic acid from muscles (faster and better regeneration)
– faster removal of ammonia from the blood
– higher production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) – the basic energy carrier
– directly affects the increase in muscle mass and strength

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